Ideas and Innovation Hub

Ideas and Innovation Hub

Ideas and Innovation Hub

Because we need to adapt to new ways of working to sustain our businesses and take advantage of technological developments, help create new businesses and address pressing issues in a dynamic, supportive environment.

 Here we will explore new ideas, products, initiatives, projects and collaborations, bringing ideas or subjects to the table for exploration and discussion for potential results from sharing these ideas to plan ahead.  

The Hub will provide a sounding board and assistance for potential new-start businesses to test new ideas and opportunities around new ways of working.  Businesses can share best practise and these interactions can provide the creative space for challenging and robust conversations to stimulate innovation and new ideas to grow our businesses to promote our area and build prosperity.

This can be open to all businesses, from concept stage through to long-established organisations.  It is also an opportunity to link new businesses with those that are established, relevant to the topic.

Topics may include:

            Local delivery/logistics models

            Shared space/maximising yield from property.

Let us hear your ideas.