Thorntons Employment Law Academy: Grievance Investigations

Employment Law Academy | Grievance Investigations, Dundee

This workshop will provide you with clear, practical advice on how best to deal with grievances, including the investigating the grievance and the hearing and appeal stages. We will discuss the importance of managing grievances in a fair and reasonable way and how to mitigate the risk of subsequent claims arising including discrimination claims.

What to expect:

In this half day workshop, Employment Law specialists Jillian McLaughlan and Kerri McIver will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to carry out a full grievance investigation, hearing and appeal, whether your involvement is as an investigator, hearing chair, appeal chair or HR advisor to the process. It will cover:

  • What is a grievance?
  • The Investigation
  • The Hearing
  • The Appeal
  • Potential problem areas including repeated grievances; and absence during the process.
Who should attend?
  • HR professionals
  • Business owners
  • Managers and those with people management responsibilities.
Duration and costs

This is a half day workshop. Qualifies as 3 hours CIPD.

The costs of each workshop is £125+vat per person, which includes all papers. Payments for all Workshops must be made in advance. A full refund will only be given for a cancellation up to 14 days prior to the event. Thereafter no refund will be given.

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