Business Gateway: Managing People – Sustaining Employee Engagement

What to expect from this webinar

Participants will learn how to create and maintain a happy, productive and engaged workforce. As finding and employing new, valuable staff can be difficult, this session aims to help members of management and business owners review their current practices and implement new ones. Doing so with hope of achieving employee engagement, satisfaction, loyalty and longevity, reducing employee turnover and the need for continuous recruiting.

Events Articles

Build Your Skill: Intermediate Excel #2
Build Your Skill: Intermediate Excel
Business Energy Scotland: Get ready for winter by insulating against high energy bills
Business Gateway: Meet The Expert – Finance
Business Gateway: Managing People – Sustaining Employee Engagement
Business Gateway: How to Write and Develop your Business Plan
Build Your Skill: Excel for Administrators
Thorntons Employment Law Academy: Grievance Investigations
Thorntons Employment Law Academy: Grievance Investigations
Build Your Skill: Introduction to Excel